Summer at YMCo: Transforming youth, the community, and your life!
Youth Mission Co-hosts hundreds of youth from dozens of churches around the country, leading them in Christian service among our neighbors who are experiencing poverty and homelessness. Most of these youth come during our busy summer season and work alongside us to contribute thousands of service hours in Asheville and Raleigh, NC, Charleston, SC , Memphis, TN and Dallas, TX!
Internship Overview
Your internship will be an in-depth experience focused on youth ministry, community outreach, teaching youth and their adult advisors about justice through the lens of Scripture, and helping young people explore their faith through the arts.
Interns do a large variety of tasks including:
- organizing groups of youth and their advisors to volunteer at service (mission immersion) sites
- leading these same groups in Bible study, theological reflection, worship, recreation, and art exploration
- participating in volunteer work along with our visiting youth groups
- getting to know 12-15 different ministries and agencies, their staff, and the communities they serve
Your weeks will be busy and long (similar to working at an overnight camp for a summer), but they will also be filled with fun, creativity, times of rest, good friends, and lots of growing.
The Intern Experience
During your summer, our Executive Director and your Mission Immersion Director will lead you and your fellow interns through intentional reflections about your sense of call, your experiences at service sites, and how this internship is shaping, challenging, and affirming you as a Christian and as a leader.
Characteristics of a YMCo Intern
We are looking for interns who:
- will take initiative and lead
- are good organizers
- are fast learners
- are open to coaching and are good listeners
- love working with youth
- have lots of energy
- value working with other leaders in a team
- aren’t above doing things like cleaning bathrooms or working outside
- are self-defined and approach life with confidence
- either like arts/crafts in ministry or at least aren’t afraid of them
- want to explore their calling in life
- Leading groups of youth (and their adult advisors) in immersion experiences at local agencies and ministries. (see listing below)
- Leading orientation sessions, debriefing programs, recreation, and worship services with groups.
- Supporting the daily living needs of youth groups, including care of their living spaces, shopping for and stocking their groceries, managing the groups’ check in/check out/daily procedures, etc.
- Planning and teaching recreation events that will be led by our youth groups for day camps with children at risk, providing hospitality for people experiencing homelessness.
Typical Summer Week of Activities
Sunday Night: Orientation for Mission Immersion Groups. (Interns occasionally leading work groups)
Monday-Wednesday: Work with groups during the day and lead program in evenings.
Thursday: Work with Mission Immersion group in morning, Staff Meeting at lunch.
Friday: Morning Worship with group, then Intern Reflection and wrap up.
Friday Afternoon-Saturday: Rest and get ready for next week.
Monday-Wednesday: Work with groups during the day and lead program in evenings.
Thursday: Work with Mission Immersion group in morning, Staff Meeting at lunch.
Friday: Morning Worship with group, then Intern Reflection and wrap up.
Friday Afternoon-Saturday: Rest and get ready for next week.
Typical Day
8:00am Staff Daily Huddle
8:30am Devotions with Groups
8:45am Depart for Sites
Noon Lunch with Groups
1:00pm Work with groups at Sites
3:15pm Drop off groups
6:00pm Eat dinner with the group
7:00pm Program (Bible Study, recreation, etc.)
9:00pm Staff leaves for day
8:30am Devotions with Groups
8:45am Depart for Sites
Noon Lunch with Groups
1:00pm Work with groups at Sites
3:15pm Drop off groups
6:00pm Eat dinner with the group
7:00pm Program (Bible Study, recreation, etc.)
9:00pm Staff leaves for day