Welcome to Part 4 of our blog series “Mission Our Worship.” We are spending time looking at each part of a worship service, and then considering how we can do mission activities related to that part of worship. Here’s a quick re-cap: Call To Worship: God not not only calls us to worship, but is calling us throughout the week to serve our neighbors. Be intentional and mindful of what God is calling you to do, and with whom God is calling you to be in relationship. Adoration: In worship we spend time in adoration of God, for who God is and what God has done. Chief among these is praising God as Creator. In adoration of the Creator, we can protect and care for God’s creation!
For the last two weeks we’ve been discussing how we can “mission our worship,” meaning how we can take the elements of our worship service and translate them to mission related activities. We started out talking about mission as a way to live out the command to “love our neighbor.” We discussed the first element of our worship services, the Call to Worship, as a call coming from God to us as God’s people We respond to that call through the rest of our worship service. Likewise, God keeps calling us in other times throughout the week to engage in things that can help our neighbors; be that prayer, sharing resources with those in need, or sharing our time and talents to help others.
This is the second of a series of posts about how we can take our worship life out into the realm of mission. In our first post, we talked about YMCo’s definition of mission… which is essentially obeying the commandment to “love our neighbor.” And, of course, if we want to love our neighbor we need to know something about our neighbor and the life that they are living. We also discussed that the first part of worship in many of our churches is typically the Call to Worship. God does the “calling.” We do the responding to that call throughout the rest of the service. Likewise, God is also “doing the calling” for us to engage in acts of mission– throughout the week and throughout our lives. So every time we read a headline, hear a news story, or see a situation where people are in need, we must be attentive to the call that God is making and consider how we will respond to it.
July 2024
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